27 research outputs found

    Secure Wireless Communication via Movable-Antenna Array

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    Movable antenna (MA) array is a novel technology recently developed where positions of transmit/receive antennas can be flexibly adjusted in the specified region to reconfigure the wireless channel and achieve a higher capacity. In this letter, we, for the first time, investigate the MA array-assisted physical-layer security where the confidential information is transmitted from a MA array-enabled Alice to a single-antenna Bob, in the presence of multiple single-antenna and colluding eavesdroppers. We aim to maximize the achievable secrecy rate by jointly designing the transmit beamforming and positions of all antennas at Alice subject to the transmit power budget and specified regions for positions of all transmit antennas. The resulting problem is highly non-convex, for which the projected gradient ascent (PGA) and the alternating optimization methods are utilized to obtain a high-quality suboptimal solution. Simulation results demonstrate that since the additional spatial degree of freedom (DoF) can be fully exploited, the MA array significantly enhances the secrecy rate compared to the conventional fixed-position antenna (FPA) array

    Fluid Antennas-Enabled Multiuser Uplink: A Low-Complexity Gradient Descent for Total Transmit Power Minimization

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    We investigate multiuser uplink communication from multiple single-antenna users to a base station (BS), which is equipped with a movable-antenna (MA) array and adopts zero-forcing receivers to decode multiple signals. We aim to optimize the MAs' positions at the BS, to minimize the total transmit power of all users subject to the minimum rate requirement. After applying transformations, we show that the problem is equivalent to minimizing the sum of each eigenvalue's reciprocal of a matrix, which is a function of all MAs' positions. Subsequently, the projected gradient descent (PGD) method is utilized to find a locally optimal solution. In particular, different from the latest related work, we exploit the eigenvalue decomposition to successfully derive a closed-form gradient for the PGD, which facilitates the practical implementation greatly. We demonstrate by simulations that via careful optimization for all MAs' positions in our proposed design, the total transmit power of all users can be decreased significantly as compared to competitive benchmarks

    A Cooperative Deception Strategy for Covert Communication in Presence of a Multi-antenna Adversary

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    Covert transmission is investigated for a cooperative deception strategy, where a cooperative jammer (Jammer) tries to attract a multi-antenna adversary (Willie) and degrade the adversary's reception ability for the signal from a transmitter (Alice). For this strategy, we formulate an optimization problem to maximize the covert rate when three different types of channel state information (CSI) are available. The total power is optimally allocated between Alice and Jammer subject to Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence constraint. Different from the existing literature, in our proposed strategy, we also determine the optimal transmission power at the jammer when Alice is silent, while existing works always assume that the jammer's power is fixed. Specifically, we apply the S-procedure to convert infinite constraints into linear-matrix-inequalities (LMI) constraints. When statistical CSI at Willie is available, we convert double integration to single integration using asymptotic approximation and substitution method. In addition, the transmission strategy without jammer deception is studied as a benchmark. Finally, our simulation results show that for the proposed strategy, the covert rate is increased with the number of antennas at Willie. Moreover, compared to the benchmark, our proposed strategy is more robust in face of imperfect CSI.Comment: 33 pages, 8 Figure

    Security-Reliability Tradeoff Analysis in Multisource Multirelay Cooperative Networks with Multiple Cochannel Interferers

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    Cooperative relaying communication is one of the green communication technologies since it shortens the communication distance and saves the transmit power. In this paper, the physical-layer security (PLS) of a multisource multirelay cooperative relaying communication network is investigated by considering the influence of cochannel interference from a security-reliability tradeoff (SRT) perspective. First, the SRT performance is characterized by the outage probability (OP) and the intercept probability (IP). In particular, the IP encountered at the eavesdropper is used to evaluate the security performance, while the reliability performance is analyzed in terms of the OP experienced at the destination. Then, under the impact of multiple cochannel interferers, the intercept probabilities and the outage probabilities of both the conventional direct transmission (DT) strategy and relay selection (RS) strategy are derived in closed-form expressions over Rayleigh fading channels, respectively. Simulation results are provided to validate the theoretical analysis. It is shown that when the OP (reliability) requirement is relaxed, the IP (security) performance improves and vice versa. It confirms that there is an SRT existing between the OP and the IP. Meanwhile, a better SRT performance can be achieved by increasing the number of sources, relays, and cochannel interferers. In addition, it is also shown that the RS strategy generally outperforms the conventional DT strategy in terms of the product of the IP and the OP